The challenges facing humanity are complex. This site is for all people who want to come together and discuss issues and possible solutions in an honest and respectful way. It’s about making the future better than the present.

This site is about sharing ideas on how to make the world a better place, collaborating to refine those ideas, and finding inspiration and support in each other to take action and make that better future happen. We recognize there can be more than one answer, and that together people can pursue multiple solutions concurrently.

This is a place to dig deep into the available evidence and analysis. We limit our assumptions to a minimum — that everyone participating here is concerned about the future of civilization, and prefers prosperity over destruction. How we get there is the point of discussion here. We ask “why” and “how” to get to the core of an issue or solution.

We value constructive criticism with a positive and collaborative attitude. We intentionally seek out a multitude of perspectives about an issue or proposed solution and try to resolve differences. The outcome is an ever-growing set of proposals to make the world a better place, which we hope people will adopt.

What topics can be discussed here? You can join or start a conversation about any topic of concern, such as:

  • Government, accountability, and rule of law
  • The environment and our sustainability
  • Civil rights, liberties, and equality
  • Entertainment, games, and sports
  • Business, liability, and responsibility
  • Availability and quality of education
  • Nutritious food and clean water
  • Automation and human labor
  • … and more

I hope you’ll join the conversation here, and please join our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

For more information about the project:

Introduction to

Vision for